Training & Programming Services

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Online Programming

Individualized strength & conditioning programming, tailored to your specific goals and needs

Follow Your Programs Using Teambuildr

Programming comes with free access to the Teambuildr Training App to work through your training at your own pace and on your own schedule

  • Gena Ball Performance partners with the leader in online strength & conditioning software, Teambuildr to provide you with easy to follow programming at the touch of any mobile device.

  • Online programming has never been easier to stay on track and keep yourself accountable, with calendar view and scheduled workouts.

    Checking off exercise completion and the ability to track your sets, reps, and weights allows you to progress from one workout to the next.

  • No more googling exercise names!

    Teambuildr allows Gena Ball Performance to provide video/photo examples of exercises and drills so that any athlete or client can ensure they are using the right form or technique.

  • Communication through the app allows clients to provide video, photo, and written feedback in the notes of each exercise. Feedback on form, technique, etc. can then be directly communicated back to the client so they can learn and improve how they execute their exercises and drills.